Posts Categorized: Tools of the Trade

Teflon Folders vs Bone Folders – which one is better for bookbinding?

I’m pleased to announce I have a limited number of teflon folders available for sale in my online shop at Read on for more information about what makes these bookbinding tools so wonderful and different from regular bone folders. What is a Teflon folder, anyway? Well, a traditional bone folder is a thin stick […]

Paper Potluck! Scrap Packs for sale until Nov. 19th

Pin It **EDIT and update – these have all been sold! This is a post from 2011** I’ve been working hard on packaging up one of  my most popular craft show items, the paper potluck! It’s a big scrap pack of assorted papers, color coordinated by me (most paper scrap packs are just a big […]

Droolworthy Washi Tape Care Package Straight From Japan!

Oh boy oh boy! If you somehow haven’t heard of the amazing craft/office supply product called washi tape then you are MISSING OUT big time. I’d drooled over it online for a while, but couldn’t QUITE get myself to pay $4-$5 a (teeny) roll – so I emailed my friend Yori who lives in Tokyo with […]

Well awl be! A turk’s head knot!

A couple weeks ago I was bitten by the friendship bracelet bug (maybe it’s because it is summer time, and I remember making friendship bracelets at summer camp) – anyway, I was knotting away on a chevron bracelet when my husband came by and said “ooh, friendship bracelets – I used to be pretty good […]

One Tool Every Knife-Wielding Crafter Should Own

If you’re like me, you have a little box, maybe a jar with a slit cut in the lid, labeled “SHARPS” (that’s just an idea I got from the doctor’s office, maybe yours says “DANGER!!” or “THIS IS NOT A COOKIE JAR”). And inside you have all of those spent X-acto blades, Olfa blades, snap-off […]

Lassco CR 20 Corner Rounder

After staying up late hawkishly watching an online auction for a Lassco Corner Rounder CR-20 , I was able to swoop in at the last minute (literally 45 seconds) and win it at the great price of $62! New, they retail for $150. The Corner Rounder does just what the name says – it can […]

Japanese Hole Punch

See one of the tools of the trade – A Japanese screw punch handy for punching holes in paper, bookboard and leather.